Saturday, May 07, 2005

Introducing the Auracanas

These are 3 of the auracanas, Lauren Beak-all on the left (rust & white), Cherry Blossom behind her, and Cloudy/Heather's posterior facing us. The auracanas we have are not true auracanas, they are often referred to as "easter eggers" or even "Americaunas". The original blood line comes from a Chilean breed that lays green eggs.

Our hens lay variations on green, some the lovely robin's egg pictured below, and other more of a military grey/green. Contrary to popular lore, these eggs are not more healthful than brown or white eggs. Posted by Hello


happy gardening mama said...

Hi Dreamrequest,

You are absolutely correct that these are not *true* auracanas. That said--as a hobbyist with a home based business selling affordable healthy eggs, we don't concern ourselves with the particulars of pedigree with our flock. We accept that the chicks sold at feed stores and most mail-order suppliers are not true to breed--and expect that to some degree the other "breeds" may not be true to breed either. (Such as the black sex link we had that turned out to be a roo who never displayed the tell tale "signs" of a female in chickhood!)

Thank you for sharing your information and link!

happy gardening mama said...

Shoot typed that incorrectly--this is what I was trying to say about the black sex link roo--typically in chicks, the female has a white mark on her head that indicates she is female, and the male does not (or could be other way around), which is a breed specific trait for the hybrid black sex link. We had a roo who displayed all markings for a female--so much for true to breed!

I think if folks are very interested in ensuring accuracy of their poultry breeds they would be wise to consult with breeders recognized by the various breed-specific national organizations.